ADO Table

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ici_9091 Table. The component is used for selection of data from one table. Properties of the component: Active, Name, ADO connection name, Master dataset name, Master fields.

Active - operates activation of the table.

Table name - specifies a name of the database table from which data will be taken. During working the name is chosen from the combined list containing names of all tables. ADO connection name property should be preliminary established to form the list.

ADO connection name - the reference to ADO connection component that provides the management of connection with objects of ADO data store.

Master dataset name (a control data set) - defines a name of the master table. It is appointed at linking of tables, if the current table is the detailed table. During the working the master table should be opened.

Master fields - (control fields) - dialog of definition of the key fields (indexed fields) by which the connection of master table and detailed table is carried out.