Import of GPS-coordinates in format NMEA 0183

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ic_384 NMEA 0183 is a format of messages transfer for information interchange between navigating GPS-receivers and consumers of the navigating information.

Import of GPS-coordinates program is started from the menu: File/Import from /GPS/NMEA coordinates or File / Update / Coordinates GPS/NMEA.

In a mode of import the map can be created anew. In update mode the objects will be only added onto the chosen map.

The input data is the text file containing records in a format of NMEA 0183 report.

The target data are point objects with three-dimensional coordinates from records of a file or one linear (area) object with three-dimensional coordinates. The kind of created objects and a way of creation (a point or a line) are chosen in dialog.

Successively going records with identical coordinates are skipped.

If a projection of updated map on WGS-84 ellipsoid the geodetic coordinates are written without transformations. Otherwise, coordinates are recalculated into system of 42 year on Krasovsky ellipsoid.