Direction of digitizing

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For classifier objects the user can appoint a direction of digitizing.

The direction of a digitizing may be:

- arbitrary;

- predefined;

- lower right ;

- counter-clockwise (object at the left);

- clockwise (object on the right).


For polygon objects the directions of digitizing can has following values: object at the left (detour of object counter-clockwise: it is used for reservoirs and deepenings of a relief) and object on the right (detour of object clockwise).

For linear objects it is possible to use on the right above (for contours and elements of a relief), predefined (for those objects for which it have meaning to distinguish the beginning and the end of the metrics, for example, the rivers are digitized from a source to a mouth) and arbitrary for all other cases.

Point objects have only an arbitrary direction of a digitizing.

All others objects have arbitrary or predefined direction of a digitizing.