Special map sorting

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ic_0209 The standard task Map Sorting arranges layers of a map for displaying and printing according to order of layers displaying, set in the map classifier. Thus at first the polygon objects, then linear, vector, point, titles and mixed objects are ordered.

If it is necessary to change the order of displaying / printing of the objects having a certain layer and type (for example to display polygon object "construction..." above linear object "road... ") then special sorting of a map is applied.

Dialog of special sorting allows you to move the lines containing the set layer and localisation above or below others - buttons Move up, Move down.

If necessary, you can set the location of lines in accordance with the order specified by the classifier - the button Set standard order.

The order of displaying and printing the layers is defined by contents of the INI-file of task parameters. The text INI-file of parameters has the extension *.iss and is located in the common folder of the parameters files of the system's tasks \Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\, the name of the file coincides with the classifier filename. The user-defined display order is saved in the text ini-file when you click the Save button. The binary file of parameters (*.vpo) is used only for reading and can be chosen by means of the "..." button.