Installation of criteria of map objects searching


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Object Search dialog window is used in Map 2011 system for installation of parameters of map objects searching. To them the following parameters belong:

- map  layers and object types (localization);

- kinds of objects;

- list of nomenclature sheets;

- range of object Ids;

- semantic characteristics of objects;

- spatial characteristics of objects (measurements).

Full list of map layers, types of objects, kinds of objects, semantic characteristics and their values is defined by Classifier of map resources specified for the given map.

To set the list of layers and types of map objects for search, it is necessary to make active Layers bookmark of Object Search dialog and to set/to reset the lighting of lines in the list of layers and in the list of objects types.  

For a choice of kinds of objects it is necessary to choose Objects bookmark of Object Search dialog and to set/to reset the lighting of lines in the list of map objects.

For a choice of nomenclature sheets it is necessary to make active Sheets bookmark of Object Search dialog and to set/to reset the lighting of demanded lines in the list of map sheets of works region.

To set a range of numbers of objects where search is carried out, it is necessary to choose IDs bookmark of Object Search dialog, to switch on the button: IDs range and to enter the minimal and maximal values of ID of map objects.

To set criteria of search of map objects by their semantic characteristics, make active Semantics bookmark of Object Search dialog and switch on the button: Selected semantic.

For example if you want to search objects that have absolute elevation > 100m you need to build an expression like this:

absolute elevation > 100.

For formation of similar expressions the table of objects characteristics of Semantics bookmark consisting of three columns is used: Semantics code name, Condition and Value.

For the addition of the name of semantics into the table it is necessary to use the Add button or to do double mouse click in a column: Semantics Code Name. In the answer the dialog window Semantics will open where the choice of a name of the semantic characteristic is carried out. On double pressing the mouse or pressing Done button the illuminated line of the list of semantics is recorded into Semantics Code Name column of Semantics bookmark. Thus in Condition column is recorded a sign =, in a Value column - the first value of the values classifier, if the values classifier is installed for the selected characteristic. In a case, when there are no values classifiers for selected characteristic or it is necessary to select not the first value of the classifier, the Value column requires editing.

For editing value of the semantic characteristic it is necessary to use the double mouse click in the Value column. If for chosen semantics in RSC-file the classifier of values of the semantic characteristic is not installed the demanded value is entered directly in 3 column of the table. The end of editing - pressing of Еnter key. Otherwise value is selected from the list of possible values of the classifier.

For editing a condition of search it is necessary to do double mouse click in the Condition column of Semantics bookmark, and then to choose demanded conditions from the list of possible conditions. The signs in the list of conditions mean the following:

! = value of the semantic characteristic is not equal to the preset one;

* any value of the given characteristic is admissible;

< value of the semantic characteristic is less of the preset one;

< = value of the semantic characteristic is no more of the preset one;

= value of the semantic characteristic is equal to the preset one;

> value of the semantic characteristic is more of the preset one;

> = value of the semantic characteristic is not less of the preset one;

x any value is forbidden for given characteristic.

For installation of search parameters of map objects by their spatial characteristics (measurements) make active Measurement bookmark of Object Search dialog and switch on the Separate measurements button. It is necessary to set a kind of measurement in the table of measurements (length, perimeter, square), its value and ratio operation (condition), for example length (m)> 150.

Can be set both an unique value of measurement of object, and a range of values within which there is a specified spatial characteristic of map objects:

1000 <= square (sq.m) <= 5000.

In the latter case for recording a double inequality two lines of the table of measurements are used: the first line corresponds to the left part of the inequality, the second - to the right part.

The given criteria are considered at search of only linear and polygon objects.

Storing of the executed installations is carried out by pressing Find button of Object Search window.

In Object Search window is available means of creation of several models (variants) of objects search. To use it, it is necessary to execute installation of criteria of objects search by the way described above, to make active Models bookmark, to press Create button and enter a name of model. The created model is put into the list of models of search of the given works region. Choosing from the list this or that model, it is possible to set a kind of search of objects corresponding to it. The list of models of search cannot contain more than 256 models.

Upon termination of a session of Map 2011 system the models of objects search are saved and restored at the next starting.